Hi, I’m Timo. I write about tech, music, my dog and french fries. But mostly french fries.
When using Ansible for automating deployment from a GitLab CI/CD pipeline, you must provide a private SSH key via a GitLab CI/CD variable. GitLab CI/CD variables can be setup to be masked which prevents them from appearing in log files.…
Install Java using Homebrew and jEnv on MacOS
Sometimes it’s desirable to use different Java versions. Here’s one way how to do it on a Mac. Prerequisites If you haven’t already, install Homebrew as a first step. Now, that Homebrew is installed, install jEnv, next. It’ll enable you…
Unit tests in Angular
Here’s a comprehensive article about Angular unit tests using TestBed and without: https://medium.com/widle-studio/angular-unit-testing-without-testbed-a-comprehensive-guide-2e4c557c8da It covers a wide variety of topics from synchronous and asynchronous tests and testing components and services to mocking http calls.
Upgrading from RSA to ED25519
Add a new pair of Ed25519 keys and use them to conveniently ssh into remote servers.
All of your MX record, DNS, blacklist and SMTP diagnostics in one integrated tool. Input a domain name or IP Address or Host Name. Links in the results will guide you to other relevant tools and information. And you’ll have…
How to Install and Secure MariaDB on Ubuntu 24.04
Yet another how to run WordPress with Docker tutorial
There are already a lot of tutorials on how to run a WordPress blog from a Docker image. This one is more of the same and yet a little different. The usual approach includes a full stack containing WordPress as…
Roll Your Own Network
One stop shop for rolling your own network. You’ll find tutorials on how to run a network, server, desktop, mobile, and manage certificates and backups. It’s a work in progress according to themselves, but definitely worthwhile checking it out! https://roll.urown.net
Better backups with BorgBase
I recently posted an article on how I used rsnapshot for backing up this blog. This worked fine but I was having two major issues with the approach. 1. Backing up the database’s internal file storage Generally speaking, it’s bad…
Get your backups to safety with rsnapshot
In this article we learned how to backup Docker volumes. However, storing them on the same machine won’t do us any good should, for example, the harddrive fail. rsnapshot to the rescue. I run rsnsapshot as a Docker container from…